Sarah & Todd.. Married!

July 7, 2010

He looked at the gift and just began to laugh. He gazed around at his grooms men and whispered beneath his breath, ‘I think I know what this is!’ He pulled a rather large pocket knife out of his tux to open the gift his ‘soon to be wife’ gave him. Once he pulled out the final box, a sticker on the side said ‘not legal in California’. The groomsmen laughed knowing it would be good. And there it was, the hand gun Todd had always wanted. A perfect gift on that wedding day!

Sarah was so excited to give Todd his gift, and this explains a lot about her. She is extremely sweet and caring, but knows how to have a good laugh. The couple made sure they enjoyed their wedding day in Estes Park, and were so relaxed and calm. It was such a joy to be apart of the wedding.

Sarah, you were BEAUTIFUl and Vibrant! Haley and I loved to be around you. Thank you for inviting us into your story.

Todd, thanks for taking off those stunner shades… I still owe you a beer 🙂 You are awesome!

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